It is a digital beta test of an exclusive business relationship between two parties: concert promoters and show producers in tandem with all licensed radio and television broadcasters. MBC provides an agreed-upon partnership where producers receive free advertising and promotion. In exchange for exclusive ticket selling rights. This is the birth of a digital “HUB.” (meaning it takes three to create a digital arms-length universe of its own). MBC created a new and better way to serve their audiences of listeners and viewers. Our website is where you have an opportunity to extend your support through our “BEST WISHES REGISTRY” Thank you. Learn about MBC’s “Limited Partnership Agreement.” WELCOME TO MBC’s “Digital HUB”

Google Presents


Business Proposal

Recent editorials regarding ‘Taylor Swift’, ‘Drake’ and others, covering their dissatisfaction with ‘Live Nation/Ticketmaster’, has come to Google’s attention. 

Therefore, Google is introducing a new less complicated, more efficient way to serve professional entertainment industry through a new way to market concert tickets.

Google provides all the required digital technology to satisfy all parties involved; concert performers, business Agents and licensed Radio and Television Broadcasters.

Google provides a ‘Limited-Partnership-Agreement’ setting out the terms and conditions so all parties, are fully disclosed through the links provided in this website.

Will you help break ‘Live Nation / Ticketmaster’ monopoly?

Learn More